
Review: 3W CLINIC Sheet Masks

Hellooo there ~ So I received some masks from 3w Clinic to review. The ones pictured above are:
Fresh Potato Mask Sheet
Fresh Green Tea Mask Sheet
Fresh Cucumber Mask Sheet
Fresh Lemon Mask Sheet
Fresh Placenta Mask Sheet

Before I applied any of these masks, I thoroughly cleansed my face with my Clarisonic with the Clinic face wash.. forgot the specific name. :I

Anyways, I'm super excited to review these because I absolutely love sheet masks.
These are 100% cotton masks, suuuper soft.
I do have one complaint on all of the masks though that I will point out now.

Okee, so they have bad proportions. Like, the eye holes are way too close together. Some are closer than the other masks though. Also, I have a huge nose and this mask has a small area for noses, it doesn't cover my whole nose.. TT~TT If you try it, you could easily cut the holes for the eyes bigger, I'm just lazy. Ohoho.

So I first tried the cucumber mask.
I actually put the masks in the fridge while I wash my face to get them to be a bit cooler.
The masks already give off a cooling effect, I just like them even colder.

Anyways, the smell is like the typical cucumber melon lotion smell. Once you open the package, you can automatically smell it but it's not overpowering. When you put the mask on, you get used to the smell quickly so after awhile, doesn't smell like much. 
The product on the mask is a little sticky, stickier than what I had expected. There is enough that the cloth is soaked but there is also extra product 

Ooooh, so attractive, I know. [Sorry for my angry looking face, kind of hard to smile in the mask]
Messy background, I know. ><

After I took off the mask, my skin felt so refreshed. I recommend rinsing off your face because there is residue that will leave your face sticky. 
The back of the package says: "This is a sheet-type mask containing cucumber extracts. Its excellent hydrating effects will leave dry and tired skin looking smooth and moisturized. This hypoallergenic mask sheet stays attached to the face along with the natural skin texture, and will provide a soothing comfort for your skin with its cleaning and astringent effects."
I did feel like it soothed my skin, but really nothing else. The feeling of soft skin doesn't last long.

On to the lemon mask~

This mask made me crave for lemon bars. The smell isn't like a fresh lemon, more like a lemon pastry. I like it. I thought it'd be too strong because when I opened the package, it just hit me in the face but after having it on, it was tolerable.

As you can see, part of my eye is covered up. Be careful if your eyes doesn't fit the mask correctly because it'll buuurrnnn. Not too bad but it's sooo uncomfortable if you don't move it off right away.

The package says: "Thie is a sheet-type mask containing lemon extracts, It not only hsa cleaning and astringent effects but also soothes tired looking skin, leaving it smooth and clean. This hypoallergenic mask sheet stays attached to the face along with the natural skin texture, and will provide a soothing comfort for your skin."
 I didn't feel like this left my face "clean", just refreshed and soft. 
After rinsing my face off, it still felt fresh, it wasn't just the product.
I wouldn't leave the product on my face because I felt like it'd break me out if I didn't rinse my face after taking the sheet off.

Never really hear people talking about using potato based products for their skin so this was interesting. Plus I love potatoes. Hehe.... OTL

I didn't know what to expect from the smell of this. Thought it was gonna be kind of weird smelling but it ended up smelling sweet. Similar to the scent many of the Asian BB creams have. Pleasant smell. 
The back of the mask claims that "This soft masks completely covers the skin and the potato extracts makes clear and clean skin by supplying necessary moist on the skin without stickiness and managing the skin texture."
The mask did leave a stickiness though. But so did all of the other masks.

I'm just going to combine all of my thoughts on each mask onto one review:
Okay, all of the masks gave a similar effect. The thing is that I only used each type of mask once so I'm not sure about the outcome if a specific mask is used more than once.
All of the masks gave me a refreshing feel and left a stickiness residue. After tossing the mask away, I did rub in the extra product into my skin, giving it a few taps as well before I rinsed off everything.

I feel like alot of people would want to try out the green tea mask.. since everyone loooves green tea everything so muuch.. pfffttt ;P

Also, you're probably wondering about the PLACENTA mask. I was super creeped out when I saw this in the mail package. I told a friend (∪ ̄ ㋓  ̄∪) and they told me something like it's good at anti-aging. I HAD to try it out though. So the scent is also sweet. The placenta, potato, and 
green tea mask had similar scents. Sweet. 

Overall, I didn't see much difference in the masks, same effects. I give the sheet masks about a 4/5. I like the feeling of my skin after I use them buut not too amazing. I do recommend them if you're looking for some masks to try though.

Thanks to cosmeticlove for sending these to me. ^-^

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